Insights & Articles
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Cable Ties
If you’re looking for the right zip ties for the job, it might be difficult to find which tie will is best suited for your needs. Don’t worry! We’re going to explain which ties work best for different applications like...
As someone working in the manufacturing or distribution industries, you know the importance of keeping items safe cannot be overstated. Product security—whether it’s preventing items from being stolen, broken, or otherwise tampered with—is a big deal. In fact, beyond just...
Plastic security seals protect shipped goods in two key ways: Plastic seals make it difficult for bad actors to tamper with shipments. Plastic seals are tamper evident, so you can see easily if your shipment was handled inappropriately. Businesses rely...
How Do You Install a Bolt Seal?
Bolt seals are types of security seals that are applied to containers and trucks to ensure cargo isn’t tampered with in transit. Specifically, a bolt seal is a high security truck seal that is designed to be both tamper evident...
How Are Containers Security-Sealed?
Supply chain security has become mission critical over the past several years. Not only does it help to facilitate tamper-free shipments, but it also empowers companies to fight against issues like illegitimate trading and terrorism. How does it all work?...
How Do You Remove a High Security Truck Seal?
International and sensitive cargo transportation requires taking security measures to keep the containers and trailers safe from theft or contamination. What can you use to make sure nothing is tampered with? Security seals. A high security truck seal makes sure...
Seals in trucking aren’t the playful animals you’re used to seeing at the zoo. They’re plastic clasps and bolts that protect cargo from being tampered with. But these devices don’t just give the shipper, driver, and recipient peace of mind....
If you work for a manufacturer or distribution center of some kind, you know the importance of keeping goods safe during shipment. After all, it would cost your company a lot of money and headaches should items get tampered with...
Can You Join 2 Zip Ties Together?
If you’ve got a pile of cables, wires, or anything else you may need to secure into place, zip ties are a popular tool to get the job done. Yet, sometimes your stack of cables may be particularly big—so large...
How Much Weight Can Heavy Duty Zip Ties Hold?
Heavy duty zip ties (aka “cable ties”) usually hold between 120 and 175 pounds. Some of the strongest zip ties can handle up to 350 pounds. This is the tensile strength of zip ties, or the maximum load it can...
What Is the Function of Cable Ties?
Cables ties, also known as zip ties, have become a staple for many folks and industries alike — and for good reason. Cable ties can be used for a variety of purposes, are cost-effective, and come in different shapes and...
Understanding the difference between zip ties is essential to use the correct tie for certain applications. Because of the cable tie classifications standards, you might have heard Type 21S cable ties are the best in use for construction and other...